Picture of me

Hi, my name is Daniel.

I like software. And math. I went to school for both. And got degrees in both. Now I spend my time hiking, cooking, and writing code and learning more about software (sometimes I have a beer on the weekend with friends).

I always love feedback. If you don't have feedback but have a joke that you think is really funny, you could send that too. It is very likely I would laugh and enjoy the joke.

Message me on Linkedin.

Some blogs that inspire me, that inspired this website, and that I think are worthwhile for others to read are the following:

  1. Bob Nystrom's Blog - for great articles on programming languages and their quirks. His article Baby's First Garbage Collector was a particularly enjoyable read.
  2. Without boats, dreams dry up - lots of deep dives into Rust-y topics.
  3. Small Cult Following - another blog about Rust that I like to read from time to time.
  4. - Dave Gaeur's website about programming. I was introduced to this website through his article Forth: The programming language that writes itself, and really just loved his whole site.
  5. All Things Distributed - a collection of stories and news about distributed systems. I recently found out that the website is the Amazon CTO's, which I'd say is pretty neat.
  6. programming in the twenty-first century - a blog about software that helps remind me that the point isn't to just write software, it's to write something through software.

(note: some of these sites haven't been posted to in a while, but are still entertaining and educational)